Apr 28, 2012

Friday night

 I saw the moon when on the way home. Its gone in few minutes later, luckily I captured it x) haha..
Sleep tight & Good night 1:09am

Apr 24, 2012

holiday week \(^u^)/

exam week had over!!!!! Finally I could rest for one week..hehe =D have spend time with family for this few days.
Mum lazy to cook so I suggested  this bakery shop ' Bonjour Garden' which is nearby Sunway Giza.  They serve set lunch during 12pm to 3pm =)

This is the menu? Yea..It is xD alike newsapaper..LoL

Our table no. 102

This is one of the decoration, which is just beside our table 

this soup is come with the set lunch..forgot what's it call..heee
Shared this cup of Mocha with sister  (~o~)

created by my sister *(^o^)*